I guess I’m kind of pet-obsessed lately. Actually, let's be real, I’ve always been pet-obsessed. I’ve had 157 pets throughout my life. I can’t say that I’ve loved them all equally, I actually hated most of them, but they do each represent a very specific time (or breakup), so for that I am grateful to them all. Pets are like boyfriends, if boyfriends couldn’t speak to you ever.
Lately I have had a deep connection to a wild beast named patches. Seriously this dog is special. Whenever I take him anywhere middle aged woman who lack sex appeal always tell me what a great personality he has. I recently took him to the groomers and the lady? (unclear, I saw the trans Casper cheated on jlo with and now I'm questioning everyone's gender) who was cutting his hair she? (Still unclear) Was going through some deep shit and really hated her life so she scolded at patch for her daddy issues and also because he kept trying to bite her. After she got done I promised patch I would make it up to him so I came up with this dog treat found via Pinterest..
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (measuring peanut butter seems messy af so I just took a big ass scoop)
1 tablespoon honey
(Same goes for honey)
1 large egg
1/2 cup water
1 carrot, shredded (I use carrots for my smoothies so I wasn't willing to sacrifice one for my dog)
2-3 pieces cooked bacon, chopped
1 cup oat flour or 1 1/2 cups rolled oats, processed until floury
1 cup all-purpose or whole wheat flour (I don't own whole weat flower because I'm not a jerk-off. I used regular and my dog survived)
Preheat oven to 350°F. In a medium bowl, combine peanut butter, honey, egg, water, carrot and bacon and stir until well blended. Add both flours to wet mixture to form dough.
Then I rolled the dough into a ball baked it for 20-25 mins waited for it to cool down and watched my dogs devour them. I've never felt more satisfied with my cooking skills ever before.
Also If you'd like the recipe in a more professional manner here's the link to what I used to make them..