Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hot yoga?

This morning, I met up with a friend at "its a grind" which is a great place, if you're 22 going on 40.  Right when I saw her I noticed that she was glowing. Like her skin was literally radiating light. Not only that, but she was also getting checked out by every single guy who walked by us, and she seemed freakishly centered and happy, which is insane for someone who had just ordered coffee with 12 Splendas, a cake pop, and a bagel with cream cheese and jam. When I demanded to know what the hell was going on with her, she gave me this devious smile like she had just started her period, after a pregnancy scare.

Soon after interrogating her and not getting any answers We started arguing. I called her toxic, she called me Amanda Bynes, and I was about to lose my shit on her until she finally owned up to why she was in such an annoying good place! Her answer was that she’d just came from "hot yoga" and that it had completely changed her life/skin. I had no idea what the fuck she was talking about, the only yoga I've ever experienced is from a Julian michaels DVD I got on sale on Black Friday or at la fitness when I don't feel like sweating (which is always). I wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction of knowing that I've never heard of such a thing, instead I told her that I watched an episode of dr. Oz and he said  that doing too much of that can make your hair fall out and lead you to stubborn belly fat. after our dramatic coffee date I went to go sit in my mercury coug to do some Googling. Turns out Hot yoga stands for “doing simple yoga poses in a room that's a million degrees" so if you're comfortable with sweating in front of a bunch of other human beings, which I am not. Then you'll love this. Or else I suggest seeing Teresa, who is this super zen yoga teacher at la fitness that always speaks to me in inspirational Pinterest quotes. Namaste.

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